Saturday, July 18, 2009

After 5yrs, 7mths & 17days...

17July2009 - marks the end of my career with PwC... my 1st job since i graduated from NTU...

1Dec2003 i've joined PwC as an external auditor... mid-2006 my 3rd yr in external audit, i requested for secondment and subsequently transferred to the internal audit department...

after 5yrs+ in a public accounting firm, i think it's time that i move on... to the commercial world... thus i started out my search for an IA position in a MNC with travelling frequency of less than 50%... and then i found it... offered and accepted...

though i left a familiar work place with many peers and colleagues doing the same thing for a entirely new environment with only 3 other internal auditors... im glad that i've made this step and hope that my new company and new colleagues will be great and wishing myself best wished and best of luck in my future endeavours... :p

pics of my farewell with meals, fun, laughter, hugz & kisses taken over my 2 weeks of serving notice...