Monday, August 6, 2007

renO started...

wah our co-ID, supposed to meet me at new house at 930.. i waited till 1015 n called him several times but no ans so i left... he supposed to meet yun at her house at 1030 so i went to kpo at her house... n he is not there too... n we were there at 1130 n still no signs of him... later he called n said he overslept... sighz... wat can we say...
anyway, while waiting, i took some pics of new house...
living room: windows are up at balcony and wiring is in progress...
bathroom: 'roughing' of the tiles to get ready for overlaying and boxing up of pipings is in progress waiting for changing of all pipes to stainless steel...

kitchen (left): wall to yard is completely knocked off and island base is up but the measurement is wrong..
kitchen (right): kitchen cabinets base is up but the measurement is also wrong... who says the cabinets must be as fat as the fridge?????

today HTB went to cement in the last FS coin in kitchen before tiles are laid and he said that the tiles have arrived... tiling work is expected to be done this coming week...
while inspecting onsite, i did my own measurements of the kitchen cabinets... i wonder if the ID did go onsite to do the exact measurements... in any case, i've decided to change the entire layout of my kitchen cabinets.. had oreli told the co-ID but i think gonna wait for ID to confirm/ redesign... y does my ID has to go into sideline at tis point in time... he keep going overseas is very difficult to get things done if needs his involvement... *shake head*

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