Wednesday, January 7, 2009

forgotten - 29Nov08 MacRithchie

saw hui che's blog that she went MacRitchie Reservior n i remembered that i forgotten to post my pics :p

went MacRitchie reservior for "exercise" on the day we celebrated YQ the teen boy's bday at bukit batok.. wanted to go to the treetop walk since i never been there b4. the 1st time i went MR should be in 2007(?) when me n hubby joined wen n her frens for a charity activity. that walk took us from MR all the way to bukit timah nature reserve n is a total of 10km+.
so this time i wanted to go treetop n if possible, walk till bukit timah nature reserve again before we head to xiaogugu's house.
the walk was SUPER tiring!!! especially to treetop.. treetop is jus a short bridge (duh!!) and is a ONE-WAY bridge! cos we were going up n up n up to reach treetop, so we thought we will go down n down n down after the bridge.. BUT after the bridge, is a series of STAIRS!!!!!! ups n downs n ups n downs... :( finally when we are out, we decided to still go towards bukit timah hill, but when we reach the ST engineering aerospace building, i "drop dead" hahaha :p so we called for a cab to bring us to west mall... hahaha :p

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